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Sale and leasing of forklift and warehouse equipment of world brands

Forklifts from

Forklifts from

Lift trucks from "" is a qualitative, reliable and unpretentious equipment in operation for reasonable prices. We offer electric, petrol and diesel loaders of various loading capacity: the models presented on a site, will satisfy requirements both a small warehouse, and the large-scale logistic center. Lift trucks from "" is a qualitative, reliable and unpretentious equipment in operation for reasonable prices.

Our advantages

Our advantages

We offer electric, petrol and diesel loaders of various loading capacity: the models presented on a site, will satisfy requirements both a small warehouse, and the large-scale logistic center.Lift trucks from "" is a qualitative, reliable and unpretentious equipment in operation for reasonable prices.

Become a partner

Contractors are reviewing the application. At this stage, they can contact you to clarify the details.

Become a partner

География центров продаж и обслуживания

Company sertificates

Сертификат ISO 14001 на технику Anhui Heli Co., Ltd. (2022-2025)
Сертификат ISO 9001 на технику Anhui Heli Co., Ltd. (2022-2025)
Сертификат ISO 14001 на технику LONKING (SHANGHAI) FORKLIFT CO., LTD. (2021-2024)
Сертификат ISO 9001 на технику LONKING (SHANGHAI) FORKLIFT CO., LTD. (2021-2024)
Сертификат ISO 14001 на технику Mitsubishi Logisnext Co.Ltd. (2022-2023)
Сертификат ISO 9001 на технику Mitsubishi Logisnext Co.Ltd. (2022-2025)
Сертификат ISO 14001 на технику BANYITONG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. (2022-2025)
Сертификат ISO 9001 на технику BANYITONG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. (2022-2025)
Сертификат ISO 45001 на технику BANYITONG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. (2022-2025)